

(create-event-loops conf)

Called internally to create the event loops for the client. Can also be used to share event loops between several clients.


The 0 date reference for returned record TTL


(expiry-unix ttl)

Converts an Aerospike TTL (in seconds) relative to “2010-01-01T00:00:00Z” into a TTL (in seconds) relative to the UNIX epoch.


(init-simple-aerospike-client hosts aero-ns)(init-simple-aerospike-client hosts aero-ns conf)

hosts should be a seq of known hosts to bootstrap from. These can include a desired port, as in the form host:port. These would take precedence over :port as defined below.

Optional conf map can have: - :event-loops - a client compatible EventLoops instance. If no EventLoops instance is provided, a single-threaded one of type NioEventLoops is created automatically. The EventLoops instance for this client will be closed during stop iff it was not provided externally. In this case it’s a responsibility of the owner to close it properly.

Client policy configuration keys (see policy/create-client-policy) - :client-policy - a ready ClientPolicy - “username” - :port - to specify a single port to use for all host names, only if ports aren’t explicit in the host names set above in :hosts. In case that a port isn’t explicitly stated in the hosts, and the :port parameter is missing, port 3000 is used by default. - :client-events - an implementation of ClientEvents. Either a single one or a vector thereof. In the case of a vector, the client will chain the instances by order.